Workshop Dinner
All Copernicus and Italy workshop participants are invited to attend the dinner at the traditional Italian food restaurant Lian.
A floating space and a very suggestive veranda which enjoys a magnificent view. The Lian is located in Lungo Tevere dei Mellini 7, under Ponte Cavour on the river bank a few steps from Piazza Cavour and in front of the Ara Pacis and is connected by all public transport.
Location: Lian Roma
Address: Lungo Tevere dei Mellini, 7 (below Ponte Cavour)
Price: 60€
Date: Friday, 29th September.
Time: 8 p.m.
The cost of the Social Dinner can be paid in the same way as listed below, even later than registration.
Listed below are the possible ways of paying the fee for the Workshop and the Social Dinner.
It is possible to pay the conference registration fee, with or without the social dinner, by bank transfer.
The bank transfer receipt must be sent by e-mail to the address
Bank details:
Banca Intesa Sanpaolo
Headed to:
Italian Astronomical Society
IBAN IT 11 D 03069 02923 100000003642
In the reason for the bank transfer, please specify:
“Participation Workshop Copernicus and Italy 2023 Social Dinner”
Participants may choose to pay the late registration fee (with or without social dinner) at the Workshop desk, by credit card (VISA and MasterCard) via POS. PLEASE NOTE THAT CASH PAYMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED.