May 7 – 12, 2023
Centro Congressi - Area della Ricerca di Bologna
Europe/Rome timezone

The IVOA (Northern Spring) May 2023 Interoperability Meeting will be hosted at the Congress Centre of the Research Area in Bologna (Italy) from Monday 8 May to Friday 12 May 2023. It is organised by, the Italian project member of the IVOA, with the sponsorship of INAF and the support of ASI-SSDC and INFN.

The meeting will be organised in presence, by preference, but with the possibility to follow the main sessions remotely (in a hybrid solution). This means that remote participation will allow following, streamed, the plenary and 1 main parallel session, possibly contributing through the videoconference chat system. The streamed sessions will (to our best effort) be recorded and made available to give everyone all chances to follow the workshop.

Please consider the time zone of the meeting will be the one of the venue, that is Central European Summer Time (CEST, UTC+2), with sessions starting at 9:00 CEST and wrapping up usually at 17:30 CEST (Friday apart, when we will aim at closing the meeting around 13:00 CEST). 

The Interop Programe will be made up of sessions managed by the IVOA Working Groups (WG) and Interest Groups (IG). Closed session TCG and Exec meetings are scheduled on Sunday 7 May 2023 from 10:00 to 18:00 CEST at the same venue.

(Please refer to the Interop Programme page for all relevant details)

NewComers will have their chance to approach the IVOA world (jargon, architecture, topics, ...) by watching in advance the video tutorials recorded from previous VO dissemination and newcomers sessions (see here) and attending a dedicated overview and Q&A session on Monday 8 May 2023 at 16:00 CEST. 

Besides WG/IG specific session, the following plenary session topics are currently being organised:

  • Science Platforms (2 sessions)
  • DOIs in Open Science
  • overview from the local organisers


Registration (see relevant link on the left hand side menu) will be closed 15 days prior to the meeting's start (Friday 21 April 2023) to allow local organisation activities. Switching to/from remote participation will also be allowed only up to the same date for similar reasons.

For logistics and accommodation details and hints, please have a look at the two relevant pages in this website (left menu) but it's highly suggested both to register and book your accommodation as early as possible because Bologna in May is highly requested both by tourists and for fair events. 

IVOA has a code of conduct of the IVOA, that is available here. Please, be sure you are aware of its contents before actually registering for the event.

A glossary of terms and acronyms used in the VO is available here.

Centro Congressi - Area della Ricerca di Bologna
Plenaria, 216, 214
Via Piero Gobetti, 101, 40129 Bologna BO
Go to map
LOCPOC/TCG coordination
  • Marco Molinaro [INAF &] (chair)
  • Simona Righini [INAF] (co-chair)
  • Alessandra Zanichelli [INAF]
  • Claudio Gheller [INAF]
  • Fabio Pasian [INAF]
  • Giuliano Taffoni [INAF]
  • Gianluca Polenta [ASI-SSDC]
  • Giuseppe Greco [INFN]
  • Vincenzo Galluzzi [INAF]
  • Luca Castaldini [UniBO]
  • Nicolò Parmiggiani [INAF]
  • Andrea Bulgarelli [INAF]
  • Janet Evans [CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian]
  • Marco Molinaro [INAF]
  • IVOA TCG members