General information
For the public transport you can purchase the card CATANIA PASS. Follow the link for more information about the services included.
From Catania Fontanarossa to INAF - Catania Astrophysical Observatory (Via Santa Sofia 78)
It is about 15-20 minutes (8.1 km) by car from Catania Airport.
Public transport
The combination of buses that can reach the Catania Astrophysical Observatory is
- ALIBUS from Catania to Via Etnea 143 (stop 114)
- BRT1 via Etnea 143 to Via Santa Sofia 78 (stop Policlinico)
The ticket price for the Alibus is 4 euro for 90 minutes and is valid to continue the path of other urban buses (AMT).
Tickets can be purchased:
- At the airport
- On the bus with cash or POS
- With UP MOBILE (modlità valid also for other lines AMT)
We suggest the use of "Radio taxi" (+39 095 330966)
From the Airport to Catania Astrophysical Observatory the rate is 24 € (fixed).
From the Airport to Hotels it goes from 20 to 22 Euro depending from the hotel location.
Call radiotaxi when you are leaving the baggage claim area. Radiotaxi will pick up you at the Departure level (1st floor), tipically in 5 minutes. When out from the bagagge claim, take the escaltor on the left and go out from the first sliding door you see at the end of the escalator on your right. Wait there for your taxi (the radiotaxi operator has given you the car code like "Milano 11").
From the city center at the Catania Astrophysical Observatory (and vice versa)
The Catania Astrophysical Observatory is close to the city center but on a hill.
1) Call "Radio taxi" (+39 095 330966)
2) Take the BRT1
There is a rapid bus (BRT1) connecting the center to the north-west entrance of the campus (bus stop "Policlinico"), where is located the Catania Astrophysical Observatory.
Tickets (1 Euro) are sold in kiosks and tobacconists. In Piazza Stesicoro there is a resale of tickets. Buy a ticket also for the return trip. There are no places where to buy a ticket close to the Observatory.
The stop "Policlinico" is located near the gate to the north-west of the university town. From this gate the entrance of the Catania Astrophysical Observatory is 550 meters ahead.
Parking in Catania
In the city the parking "blue stripes" must be paid from 08.30 to 13.00 and from 15.30 to 20.00. The price for an hour of parking is equal to EUR 0.75. It is possible to buy shares in the parking lot of minutes and fractions of hours to suit your needs. You pay using: parking meters located in all parking areas tariffed, at an average distance not exceeding 100 meters. coupons on an hourly or time slots sold in tobacconists EasyPark online (try the app from your smartphone).