18–22 Oct 2021
INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy) and online
Europe/Rome timezone

The VLT in the 2030's

18 Oct 2021, 09:15


Dr Antoine Merand (ESO)


By the year 2030, ESO’s ELT will be in full operation. The VLT, on the other hand, will remain Europe’s workhorse for ground base optical and infrared astronomy. The four 8-m telescopes, offering standalone, incoherent and coherent (i.e. interferometric) foci, is a unique facility now and will remain so for decades to come. I will present the current state of instruments occupying VLT various foci, as well as the planned developments (upgrades or upcoming new instruments). I will also present the developments which followed the June 2019 workshop “The VLT in 2030”, as well as the prospects to start future developments.

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