Oct 18 – 22, 2021
INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy) and online
Europe/Rome timezone

The Data Management Advantage of MOS

Oct 22, 2021, 10:15 AM


Dr C.Clare Worley (University of Cambridge)


The proposed HRMOS is the next step in pursuing, on a large scale, precise chemical characterisation of stellar populations. A number of new medium-to-low resolution spectroscopic survey instruments, in operation or under development, provide a wealth of data on a very large scale from which key subsets can extracted as input to higher resolution spectroscopic surveys (e.g. with HRMOS). While the potential data volume for HRMOS is only 50-100 fibres per observation block, compared with 1000-4000 fibres per observation block for the medium resolution projects such as 4MOST, WEAVE, MOONS and MSE, it is still advantageous for the HRMOS project to leverage the data management systems, spectral reduction pipelines and quality control processes developed for these very large scale projects. CASU has led or is leading the data analysis system development for Gaia-ESO, WEAVE and 4MOST with future prospects for MOONS and MSE. In this talk we present the development undertaken to meet the data management challenges of these projects and the synergies they present for the proposed HRMOS.

Type contributed talk

Primary authors

Dr C.Clare Worley (University of Cambridge) Dr David Murphy (University of Cambridge) Dr Nic Walton (University of Cambridge)

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