18–22 Oct 2021
INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy) and online
Europe/Rome timezone

HRMOS for Local group and dwarf galaxies

21 Oct 2021, 09:50


Dr Asa Skuladottir (UniFi)


Dwarf galaxies and larger satellite galaxies are ideal laboratories to study the earliest chemical evolution, different nucleosynthetic channels, dark matter structure, and hierarchical galaxy formation. The Milky Way has dozens of satellites which can be studied in far greater detail than their more distant counterparts. With upcoming large spectroscopic surveys such as 4MOST and WEAVE, these satellites will be targeted for the first time on a large scale – with spectra of hundredths of thousands of stars. This will undoubtedly fuel many new discoveries, that will need high resolution follow-up. Given their dense concentration on the sky, a high resolution, multi-object spectrograph such as HRMOS will be the most efficient way to do this. In this talk, I will go over and discuss the most compelling science cases of Milky Way satellite galaxies in the framework of HRMOS.

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