Formazione dei docenti e dimensione storica delle discipline scientifiche: per un dialogo tra le due culture.

Sep 10, 2020, 3:00 PM


Prof. Gambaro, Ivana (DAFIST, Università di Genova)


Within teacher training programmes devoted to philosophy teachers and physics teachers it is undoubtedly imperative to move beyond the "two cultures" dichotomy: Naturwissenschaften vs Geisteswissenschaften,. Between 1999 and 2015, working as a lecturer and teacher trainer at the SSIS Liguria (Scuola di Specializzazione per l'Insegnamento Secondario), and later at the TFA (Tirocinio Formativo Attivo) 1^ and 2^ cycle of the University of Genova, I have frequently proposed themes from history and philosophy of physics and science within the framework of the activities of Area2 (didactic and discipline in-depth studies) and Area3 (didactic laboratories, tools and methods). Here I present a short overview of some Syllabi proposed to student teachers of both fields. The first one, "The New Astronomy and the New Science", provides a synthetic historical-critical analysis of the Scientific Revolution, and of the new philosophical themes and physical concepts emerged, through a selection of texts from 16th and 17th century astronomers and natural philosophers, and from 20th century philosophers and historians of science. Similarly "Physics and Philosophy of the 20th century", develops a path from the deterministic framework of the early 19th century to the Copenhagen Interpretation and later advancements, by means of selected texts from popular scientific works by physicists and philosophers. Finally I shortly refer to an on-line tutoring experience where student teachers in physics, philosophy, history and Italian literature have been supported in cooperatively planning didactic activities centred on the figure of Galileo.

Primary author

Prof. Gambaro, Ivana (DAFIST, Università di Genova)

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