Cosmologia: I
- Stefano Borgani
Cosmologia: II
- Lauro Moscardini
Marco Bersanelli
5/18/15, 4:30 PM
Invited review
The cosmic microwave background (CMB) represents a unique window on the early universe as it directly probes the gravitational seeds from which cosmic structure formed. Fifty years after its discovery, the CMB has transformed cosmology into a high-precision science. Following a series of highly successful ground based, balloon-borne and space-borne experiments, the ESA Planck mission has...
Luigi Guzzo
5/18/15, 5:00 PM
Invited review
Lauro Moscardini
5/18/15, 5:30 PM
Invited talk
It is well know that galaxy clusters are powerful cosmological probes thanks to strong dependence of the redshift evolution of their counts and clustering.
As worked example of next generation surveys, we discuss the characteristics of the galaxy cluster samples expected from the European Space Agency’s Euclid satellite and forecast constraints on a number of cosmological parameter sets...
Valeria Amaro
5/18/15, 5:50 PM
Valeria Amaro(1), Civita Vellucci(1), Massimo Brescia(2), Stefano Cavuoti(2), e Giuseppe Longo(1)
1- Università Federico II di Napoli
2- INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
Photometric cosmological surveys rely on accurate photometric redshifts to pursue a large part of their scientific goals. In the general frameworks of the VST KIDS and VOICE surveys and of the preparatory...
Roberto Scaramella
5/19/15, 11:30 AM
Invited talk
We will review the status, the latest news and perspectives of the mission as of Spring 2015.
Stefano Borgani
5/19/15, 11:50 AM
Invited talk
Massimo Capaccioli
5/19/15, 12:10 PM
Sebbene fondamentale per comprendere i meccanismi che regolano la formazione e l'evoluzione delle galassie, lo studio degli aloni stellari è difficile a causa della loro bassa brillanza superficiale. Le survey con telescopi a grande campo di ultima generazione, come VST, ci hanno permesso di scoprire la complessa morfologia e cinematica degli aloni, e la presenza di componenti stellari...
Michele Maris
5/19/15, 12:30 PM
The spectral energy distribution (SED) at millimetric wavelengths of planets is an important benchmark to inter-calibrate different CMB experiments, to properly calibrate the beam pattern and a source of information on the atmospheric structure of those bodies. Despite their importance, there is a lack of very accurate measures of SED for those bodies. Planck/LFI observed Mars, Jupiter,...
Alessia Platania
5/19/15, 12:50 PM
Asymptotically Safe theories of gravity have received much interested in recent times. In this work we discuss a class of inflationary models derived from quantum-gravity modification of quadratic gravity according to the induced scaling around the non-Gaussian fixed point at very high energies. In particular we shall discuss the implication of these theories for the Planck 2015 measurement of...