18–22 May 2015
Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
Europe/Rome timezone
Le sfide scientifiche affrontate con i nuovi grandi telescopi da terra e dallo spazio

Interazioni stella-pianeta (Invited talk)

20 May 2015, 10:45
Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia

Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia

Via Santa Sofia, 64 95123 CATANIA (Italy)
Invited talk Sistema Solare, Esopianeti e ricerca della vita Sistema Solare, Esopianeti e ricerca della vita


Antonio Maggio


Star-Planet Interactions (SPIs) form a class of phenomena predicted by a growing number of theoretical models but very elusive from an observational point of view with current instrumentation and methodologies. In this talk I will focus on SPIs of magnetic origin, and I will present recent results which encourage pursuing this research field.

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