18–22 May 2015
Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
Europe/Rome timezone
Le sfide scientifiche affrontate con i nuovi grandi telescopi da terra e dallo spazio

Global Architecture of Planetary Systems (GAPS): risultati, sviluppi e prossimi obiettivi (Invited talk)

20 May 2015, 09:40
Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia

Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia

Via Santa Sofia, 64 95123 CATANIA (Italy)
Invited talk Sistema Solare, Esopianeti e ricerca della vita Sistema Solare, Esopianeti e ricerca della vita


Raffaele Gratton


GAPS (Global Architecture of Planetary Systems) is an Italian nation-wide long-term program dedicated to the exploitation of the scientific opportunity offered by the installation of the HARPS-N spectrograph at Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) in the summer of 2012. GAPS has been formulated as a balanced combination of discovery and characterization observations.The project goals are: i) studying the frequency of low-mass planets as a function of stellar mass, stellar metallicity, density of the stellar environment, as well as ii) characterizing known planetary systems, detailing the properties of their star(s), planet(s) and the architecture of the planetary orbits. I will review the main results obtained up to date.

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