18–22 May 2015
Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
Europe/Rome timezone
Le sfide scientifiche affrontate con i nuovi grandi telescopi da terra e dallo spazio

An ICT and Data Mining framework for knowledge discovery in the ViaLactea project

20 May 2015, 12:50
Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia

Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia

Via Santa Sofia, 64 95123 CATANIA (Italy)
Contribution Astrofisica delle Strutture Cosmiche Barioniche Astrofisica delle Strutture Cosmiche Barioniche


Giuseppe Riccio


The European Framework Programme (FP7) project ViaLactea started in late 2013, having as main scientific goal the reconstruction of a very accurate 3D model of the Milky Way galaxy through the combination of all new-generation infrared-radio surveys of the Galactic Plane. In order to pursue such ambitious task, the project requires the massive exploitation of advanced visualization tools, data mining methodologies, machine learning paradigms and VO-based data representation and retrieval standards. All such specialized stuff is integrated into a virtualized computing environment, resulting as an efficient and easy-to-use gateway for the scientific stakeholder community. We present an overview of the designed cyber-infrastructure, able to fulfil the scientific expectations of the project.

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