Sep 9 – 13, 2019
UTC timezone

Bridging Simulations and Observations in the Era of Extremely Big Telescopes (Raymond Simons)

Sep 9, 2019, 3:31 PM


Accademia dei Lincei c/o Villa Farnesina Via della Lungara 10/230 00165 Roma
Talk Galaxy Assembly


The last decade brought significant advances in the physical realism of hydrodynamical galaxy formation simulations. It is now critical to conduct meaningful comparisons of these simulations with observations --- to test the physical models underpinning the simulations and to help interpret the observations. I will show how we are using synthetic observations of simulations to interpret current observations of the kinematic and chemical evolution of galaxies at high redshift and to make predictions for future 20-40m class facilities.

Primary author

Raymond Simons (Space Telescope Science Institute)

Presentation materials