3–5 Dec 2018
Europe/Rome timezone
Presentations available on the 'detailed view' of the timetable page - click on the paperclips

Synergies between SKA and ELT: the high-z Universe - 25'


Laura Pentericci


The past few years have seen an enormous progress in our ability to understand the very early universe before the end of cosmic reionization.However many open questions remain such as when exactly and how reionization happened and which were the main sources responsible for this transition. The end of the so called dark ages will be explored by SKA which will produce high resolution maps of the sky at 21cm thus giving us key information on the time and spatial evolution of the neutral hydrogen content at the earliest epochs. However only by studying both reionization and the galaxies responsible for the ionizing photons we will be able to understand fully this process. The ELT will give us key information on this early galaxy and black hole population. In particular I will discuss how studying the Lyman alpha emitting galaxies will allow us to constrain reionization scenarios.

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