On March 2018, INAF approved the participation to the International LOFAR Telescope (ILT) and the organization of a LOFAR-IT Consortium leaded by INAF itself aiming at coordinating at Italian level the participation to ILT.
The University of Turin (Department of Phyiscs: DP-UniTO) has recently formalised the participation to LOFAR-IT Consortium.
A Board of the LOFAR-IT project has been established to manage the whole participation of INAF to ILT.
INAF will contribute to the development of LOFAR2.0 with an agreement with AstroTec to purchase a LOFAR2.0 station in 2021- 22.
INAF and the LOFAR-IT Consortium have also planned to create an e-infrastructure for the reduction/analysis of LOFAR data for the Italian Astronomers. LOFAR-IT has established a working group that carried out a study for the LOFAR2.0 infrastructure participation.
In this talk we will present the LOFAR-IT organization and the main characteristics of the Italian e-infrastructure. We will finally discuss the preliminary tests performed on the LOFAR pipelines to study the computational and storage needs of the Italian community that are driving the design of the e-Infrastucture.