3–5 Dec 2018
Europe/Rome timezone
Presentations available on the 'detailed view' of the timetable page - click on the paperclips

New methodologies for Galactic data reduction and analysis - 15'

4 Dec 2018, 12:55


Francesco Cavallaro (INAF-OA Catania)


SKA precursors have just started to collect data, whose amount is so huge that is somehow overwhelming scientists. And the data stream is going to blow up once the precursors will be fully operational, not to mention SKA itself. How are we preparing for this? Automation in data reduction and analysis is mandatory but it is still far to be complete with respect to all the cases the radio astronomy community is going to encounter in the very next future. Data reduction pipelines and newly developed analysis tools are representing an intriguing challenge for scientists and a formidable test bench for super-computing facility. In this talk we present the use case of data reduction and analysis of ASKAP Galactic observations of the SCORPIO field, as representative of a series of issues for radio mapping. We first discuss how we fitted the ASKAP data reduction pipeline to the "Galactic needs". Then we present some algorithms we developed or are developing to analyse Galactic maps, in particular for source extraction and characterization. We finally propose and summarise some practical solutions to help shaping the ASKAP Galactic data processing strategy.

Primary author

Francesco Cavallaro (INAF-OA Catania)

Presentation materials