The Square Kilometre Array is currently completing the pre-construction phase in which two arrays of radio antennas (SKA1-Mid and SKA1-Low), observing at different frequencies, are being designed to be installed in the South Africa's Karoo region and Western Australia's Murchinson Shire. The SKA1-Mid array will consist of 133 15-m diameter dish antennas observing in the 350 MHz-14 GHz range and remotely orchestrated by the SKA Telescope Manager (TM) system using the Dish Local Monitoring and Control (LMC) system. LMC interfaces with antenna instrumentation to provide a rolled-up monitoring view of the dish and high-level control functionalities to TM components operating at higher layers in the SKA control system hierarchy.
A Tango-based LMC software prototype is expected to be delivered to validate the designed software architecture and the SKA control system patterns and perform the Dish integration and qualification, expected in early 2019.
In this talk we describe the SKA dish instrumentation and control system designed for the Critical Design Review stage, recently approved by SKA organization.