3–5 Dec 2018
Europe/Rome timezone
Presentations available on the 'detailed view' of the timetable page - click on the paperclips

Observation of a nearby filament of galaxy clusters - 15'

5 Dec 2018, 10:30


Valentina Vacca (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))


During this talk I intend to present radio observations with the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) of a region of the sky of 8°x8°, likely associated with an over-density traced by nine massive galaxy clusters at z≈0.1. The combination of the SRT data with observations from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey revealed the presence of 28 new diffuse synchrotron radio sources with radio emissivity and X-ray luminosity 10-100 fainter than known diffuse synchrotron cluster sources (radio halos and relics). The comparison with magneto-hydro-dynamical simulations suggests that this population is potentially the tip of the iceberg of a class of diffuse large-scale synchroton sources associated with the filaments of the cosmic web and corresponding to magnetic field strengths of ~20-50 nG.

Primary authors

Valentina Vacca (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)) Dr Matteo Murgia (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari) Federica Govoni Francesca Loi (Università di Bologna & INAF)

Presentation materials