3–5 Dec 2018
Europe/Rome timezone
Presentations available on the 'detailed view' of the timetable page - click on the paperclips

The IDIA Cloud and the HIPPO Project - 15'

5 Dec 2018, 15:10


Mattia Vaccari (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))


The IDIA cloud is a cloud computing system being developed at the Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy (IDIA). The IDIA cloud is a data intensive research facility whose main aim is to facilitate the reduction and the scientific exploitation of MeerKAT data. Building on the IDIA cloud, the HELP-IDIA Panchromatic Project (HIPPO) is developing an environment for the effective multi-wavelength characterization of radio sources detected by MeerKAT. In my talk I will introduce the IDIA cloud, detail the aims and the status of the HIPPO project and demonstrate some IDIA and HIPPO use cases in a Jupyter Notebook.

Primary author

Mattia Vaccari (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))

Presentation materials