Jun 5 – 8, 2018
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Naples, IT)
Europe/Rome timezone

Hotels & Shuttle Service

Here is a list of suggested hotels nearby the Capodimonte Observatory or downtown. We suggest to book your accomodation soon as the conference period is high season in Naples.


Hotels & B&Bs nearby the Conference

B&B La Torre di Ro’
Salita Moiariello, 53
80131 Napoli
e-mail: info@latorrediro.com
phone: +39 081.457.711

B&B La Veduta
Salita Moiariello, 130,
80131 Napoli NA
e-mail: info@beblaveduta.com
phone: +39 081 033 5976

B&B Il Portocino
Via Bosco di Capodimonte, 83
 80131 Napoli
e-mail: info@ilportoncino.com
phone: +39 081 741 4006

Culture Hotel Villa Capodimonte
Via Moiariello, 66
80131 Napoli
e-mail: info@villacapodimonte.it
phone: +39 081.459.000

Grand Hotel Capodimonte
Via Capodimonte, 3
80136 Napoli
e-mail: info@grandhotelcapodimonte.it
phone: +39 081.365.3494


Hotels Downtown

Culture Hotel Centro Storico
Via Monteoliveto, 15
80134 Napoli
e-mail: info@centrostoriconapoli.it
phone: +39 081.552.9435

Hotel  Napolit'amo 
Via S. Tommaso d’Aquino, 15 -Via Toledo, 148
80133 Napoli
e-mail: hotel@napolitamo.it
phone: +39 081 4977110 -0815523626

Hotel Costantinopoli 104

Via S. Maria di Costantinopoli , 104
80138 Napoli
phone: +39 081 5571035

Hotel Maison Degas
Calata Trinità Maggiore, 53
80134 Napoli
e-mail: info@maisondegas.it
phone: +39 081 0607948



Bus Shuttle

A shuttle service to/from downtown will be available for the conference participants. Check the map for the bus stops (timetable is TBC). The final stop is at 5 minute walking distance from the conference place. Follow the link below if you wish to use this service.

Bus reservation form