Jun 5 – 8, 2018
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte (Naples, IT)
Europe/Rome timezone

The KABS survey at the VST

Jun 6, 2018, 12:20 PM


N. Napolitano


"We present a new VST/OmegaCAM survey to observe 1000deg2 in 3 optical bands (gri), with strategy and depths that are in between the ESO public surveys KiDS and ATLAS. The survey has been designed to tackle science cases of primary importance for oncoming facilities as eROSITA and 4MOST. The survey will cover sky areas which have no other high quality optical imaging and that will remain unexplored until LSST will be online. KABS will allow us to detect and characterize, in the optical, a few thousands of the eROSITA galaxy clusters out to z >0.8, study about ten thousands AGN detected with eROSITA, and about ten millions of galaxies up to z ~0.6, measure galaxy structural parameters up to z =0.4, and detect a few hundreds of new strong lenses, included lensed quasars which will be used for monitoring and spectroscopic follow-ups.

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