6–8 Jun 2017
Convitto Della Calza - Florence
Europe/Rome timezone


Highlights from new TANGO Users (1)

6 Jun 2017, 14:30
Convitto Della Calza - Florence

Convitto Della Calza - Florence

Piazza Della Calza, 6 50125, Firenze - Italia http://www.calza.it/en


Highlights from new TANGO Users (1)

  • Jean-Michel Chaize (ESRF)


Presentation of new collaboration partners and new TANGO adopters. Part 1

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Lize Van Den Heever (SKA-SA)
06/06/2017, 14:30
06/06/2017, 14:50
06/06/2017, 15:10
Building timetable...