26 May 2016
CNR Area Ricerca Bologna
Europe/Rome timezone

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization by Simulation

26 May 2016, 12:00
CNR Area Ricerca Bologna

CNR Area Ricerca Bologna

Via Gobetti 101 Bologna


Carlo Poloni (ESTECO)


KEY STATEMENT:Quale può essere il ruolo della prototipazione virtuale nelle fasi di VVT?


BIO: Carlo Poloni is currently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Trieste (Italy). After graduating in 1987, he worked in the space division of Aeritalia (Italian aerospace company) and for the Sincrotrone Trieste, before joining the University of Trieste as a researcher focusing on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization. Later, he co-founded ESTECO and is currently the President of the company. He has published more than 100 papers in refereed journals and proceedings. As well, he currently works as a consultant for international companies and organizations. In January 2013, he was appointed a member of the board of the Italian Chapter of INCOSE till December 2015.

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