26 May 2016
CNR Area Ricerca Bologna
Europe/Rome timezone

Welcome AISE VVT Working Group

26 May 2016, 10:00
CNR Area Ricerca Bologna

CNR Area Ricerca Bologna

Via Gobetti 101 Bologna


Carlo Leardi (Tetra Pak)


BIO: Prof. Dr. Carlo Leardi graduated 1989 in electronic engineering in Genova Italy. His professional background starts with quality assurance responsibility evolving in the last years to full verification, validation and testing commitment within complex systems development deployment projects in the following areas: automotive, freight railways and packaging industry. As a passion before and today as a full job, he is dealing with Quantitative Systems Engineering on a day-to-day application and coaching of a full range of statistical and simulation methodologies supporting the decisional process. He published several articles in Engineering and Systems Engineering journals. He is one of the founders and past President of the INCOSE Italian Chapter and of AISE. He teaches in the Systems Engineering Masters in Tor Vergata and ForteMare in La Spezia.

Primary author

Carlo Leardi (Tetra Pak)


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