11th Dust Workshop

Giovanna Rinaldi (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))

Dust Workshop

18-19-20 March 2025, Venice

This meeting is the eleventh of a series of workshops dedicated to share, compare and discuss cometary dust studies to increase our understanding of comets and cometary dust in particular.  

The dust meeting was born in 2015, in Göttingen (Germany) during the Rosetta Mission, to providing an informal setting for presenting and discussing published and unpublished results and scientific ideas, with ample time allocated for discussion. Several multi-instruments studies have been published, which were developed/discussed in the Rosetta Dust group (e.g. Tubiana et al. 2019, Güttler et al. 2019, etc). The scientific discussions carried on during the dust meetings became an important parts of the discussions during the Rosetta Science Working Team.

This meeting will follow the format of the previous dust workshops. The meeting sessions are dedicated to multi-disciplinary studies and/or ideas in the broad sense: combination of measurements done with different instruments, results from laboratory experiments, models and ground-based observations.

The goal is to encourage informal discussions on potential collaborative activities. We welcome the presentation of science case studies that could benefit from coordinated observations and/or the use of state-of-the-art models.

Where: The meeting take place at the Istituto di Scienze Marine  (ISMAR – CNR) Arsenale, Castello 2737/F, 30122 Venezia, Italy

When: 18-20 March, 2025 (3 full days)

Deadline to send the contribution title: February 21, 2025

Where to send the title: Send the title to Giovanna Rinaldi (giovanna.rinaldi@inaf.it) and Stavro Ivanovski (stavro.ivanovski@inaf.it)

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