21–22 Nov 2024
Brera Astronomical Observatory
Europe/Rome timezone


Meeting location

INAF / Brera Astronomical Observatorey

Via Brera 28 Milan


For detailed information on how to reach the meeting location see this page.

We will convene in the "Cupola Fiori".


Fior those of us following remotely, these are the google meet conncetions details:

Theseus IRT meeting: https://meet.google.com/qoo-zxni-zhv


During the workshop we will enjoy coffee-breaks in the observatory. 

Plenty of restaurants of any level are available in the area. 


We plan to organize a "social dinner" on Thursday night at the "Bicerin", at 19:00 sharp! We have a room till 21.:00. The cost of the dinner will be 50€.

Lunches and dinners are not provided by the organization, and we are expected to pay for them individually. 


Sldies and proposed material can be found here!


The Brera palace