The Course will be hosted by Research Area of Bologna and organized with the support of INAF- IRA and INAF-OAS.

Territorial Research Area of Bologna
Via Piero Gobetti, 101
How to reach Area
By car you can follow google Map URL .
By train, from “Bologna Centrale” railway station:
you can take a taxi (5 minutes taxi ride), or you can go by bus
By bus TPER (Trasporto Passeggeri Emilia Romagna):
line 87 or line 37 or line 34
By plane, from “Guglielmo Marconi” Bologna airport:
you can take the shuttle “Marconi Express” – 7′ journey for central railway station and then continue by bus , or you can reach the Bologna Research Area by taxi (travel time 10′ from airport).
By taxi:
TaxiClick Easy | App to call a taxi from smartphone
COTABO (Cooperativa Taxisti Bolognesi) Tel. 051-372727
CAT Radiotaxi Bologna Tel. 051-4590
TAXI 0510909 Bologna, h24 – or by INTAXI APP: – otherwise send a sms or use Whatsapp: 320.2041047
When you can’t have a taxi:
Autoservices: COSEPURI, Auto Blu Bologna
More information here.