The Cassegrain U-Band Efficient Spectrograph (CUBES) has been designed to provide high-efficiency observations in the near UV (300-405 nm) at spectral resolving powers of R ≥ 20,000 and R ∼ 7,000. CUBES will provide the VLT with a unique capability and will open-up new discovery space for a broad range of astrophysical topics. The near UV contains a tremendous diversity of iron-peak and heavy element lines in stellar spectra, as well as the unique possibility to measure the resonant doublet of beryllium at 313nm and the NH molecule at 336nm. The near-UV is also important for extragalactic science. It allows studies of the interstellar and circumgalactic medium (CGM) of distant galaxies, the measurement of the escape fraction of ionizing photons from intermediate redshift galaxies, and the follow-up of explosive transients. Closer to home, significantly improved sensitivity at the shortest (ground-based) wavelengths will also provide exciting new opportunities in solar system science.
The main goals of the meeting are to gather the science team, provide an update of the project, and progress towards the definition of a GTO programme. We will review the existing science cases and assess how much time will be needed for each one, how targets from different programmes can be grouped, and define the basis of an updated version of the CUBES science case document that will be submitted for FDR in 2024. Compelling new science cases that were not part of the initial submission will also be considered.
The meeting will be divided in three parts: a short general project update, 15min presentations from each science case (with emphasis mostly on the constraints, sample properties, and time needed for the programme), and break-out sessions for discussion. In person participation is strongly encouraged but a hybrid option will be offered.