Oct 23 – 26, 2023
Istituto Euro-Mediterraneo di Scienza e Tecnologia
UTC timezone

Scientific Programme

Monday October 23

Afternoon Session
14.00-15.00 Registration
15.00-15.30 M. Miceli/F. Bocchino/B. Sammartino, Welcome

1. SN progenitors and pre-SN activity (Chair J. Larsson)
15.30-16.15 M. Limongi, Presupernova evolution of massive stars
16.15-16.35 F. Bocchino, Pre-supernova outbursts in Galactic Red Supergiants: predicting the next Galactic SN event

16.35-17.00 Coffee break

2: Early supernova evolution (Chair J. Larsson)
17.00-17.20 B. Van Baal, Modelling Supernova Nebular lines in 3D NLTE
17.20-17.40 L. Ferrari, The metamorphosis of the Type Ib supernova 2019yvr: late-time interaction
17.40-18.00 R. Walter, Resolving core-collapse supernova with quantum optics

Tuesday October 24

Morning Session
3. Explosion physics of CC-SNe (Chair S. Orlando)
9.30-10.15 M. Gabler, Anisotropies in neutrino driven supernovae
10.15-10.35 K. Nakamura, Systematic 3D MHD simulations of core-collapse supernova and implications for multi-messenger signals
10.35-10.55 B. Giudici, Instabilities in core-collapse supernovae: the study 14 red super giant progenitor models in three dimensions

10.55-11.30 Coffee break

11.30-12.15 M.A. Aloy, Anisotropies induced in supernova explosions by rotation and magnetic fields
12.15-12.35 G. La Malfa, Modeling the evolution of a magnetorotational supernova remnant
12.35-13.15 Open discussion

Afternoon Session
4. Magnetars, SN-GRBs connection (Chair M. A. Aloy)
15.00-15.45 S. Mereghetti, Magnetars and their supernova remnants
15.45-16.30 P. Mazzali, Asphericity in Stripped-envelope SN explosions.

16.30-17.00 Coffee break

17.00-17.45 M. G. Dainotti, The GRB fundamental plane relation, its interpretation and application as cosmological tool
17.45-18.30 Open discussion

20.00 Social Dinner

Wednesday October 25

Morning Session
5. The case of SN 1987A (Chair F. Bocchino)
9.30-10.15 J. Larsson, The asymmetric explosion of SN 1987A
10.15-10.35 E. Greco, Evidence for a Pulsar Wind Nebula in SN1987A
10.35-10.55 O. Petruk , Toward understanding the radio history of SN1987A
10.55-11.15 V. Sapienza, A diagnostic to trace shocked ejecta in SN 1987A using XRISM - Resolve

11.15-11.45 Coffee break

6. Supernova remnants (Chair M. Lemoine Goumard)
11.45-12.30 Orlando, S. Tracing Core-Collapse Supernova Echoes in Remnant Structures
12.30-12-50 F. Zangrandi, First Study of the SNR Population in the LMC with eROSITA

Afternoon Session
15.00-15.45 D. Patnaude, X-ray Microcalorimeter Observations of Supernova Remnants: A Window into Asymmetries in Supernovae and Their Progenitors
15.45-16.05 R. Bandiera, X-ray synchrotron polarization in partially random magnetic fields. General theory and applications to SN 1006.

16.05-16.30 Coffee break

16.30-17.30 Open discussion

Thursday October 26
7. Anisotropies in gamma-rays (Chair S. Mereghetti)
9.30-10.15 M. Lemoine-Goumard, Supernova remnants and pulsar wind nebulae at gamma-ray energies
10.15-10.35 R. Giuffrida, Evidence for proton acceleration and escape from the Puppis A SNR using Fermi-LAT observations
10.35-10.55 A. Tutone, Prospects for the candidate PeVatron SNR G106.3+2.7 with the ASTRI Mini-Array

10.55-11.30 Coffee break

11.30-12.30 Open discussion
12.30-13.00 M. Miceli, Final remarks and greetings