15–19 May 2023
IFPU, Trieste, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Near-pristine DLAs: A window to the first stars

17 May 2023, 11:00
Room D (floor -1) (Former SISSA building)

Room D (floor -1)

Former SISSA building


Louise Welsh (Univ. Milano Bicocca)


The properties of the first (Pop. III) stars remain a mystery. The chemistry of relic environments, enriched only by the supernovae of these first stars, offer an exciting avenue to study this population. Stellar relics are often found in the local Universe while gaseous relics probe the chemistry of low density structures at earlier epochs (z>2). I will discuss the complementary nature of these searches and how they can be used together to understand early chemical evolution and structure formation. Particularly, I will focus on the most metal-poor DLAs found at z~3 and the associated high-precision abundance determinations.

Presentation materials