March 28, 2023 to April 4, 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

Format details

The webinars will be held via Zoom. Participants will be muted, but the zoom chat will be open for brief questions, to be answered at the end of the webinar. 

The Q&A sessions will be held in a separate Zoom room, allowing direct interaction between participant and the CU8 person. We encourage to send questions in advance. Link to the Q&A session room will be emailed to participants previous to the webinar, whose attendance is strongly recommended.

We encourage registration, but last-minute participation to webinars is allowed since links will be published on website. Why register, then? To be notified of last minute changes or news, and to have reminders.

Q&A sessions will be limited 10-15 persons tops, because larger group are not encouraging easiness in discussions. This being said, late registrations could be possible, and we encourage interested persons to try to contact us.