12–14 Jun 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

Meriem Behiri - Discovering unexplored SHORES of the radio Universe

12 Jun 2023, 15:39


The Serendipitous H-ATLAS-field Observations of Radio Extragalactic Sorces (SHORES, PI: Massardi) is a 2GHz survey recently completed with ATCA for 30 fields (for a total coverage of 15deg2) centered on lensed galaxies in the H-ATLAS SGP region. The fields have been selected to be rich of ancillary data from mm to optical band. Our observations to a sensitivity <150ujy (down to 8ujy in our deep field mapped also at 5, 9 and 20Ghz) allow us to reconstruct properties of star forming galaxies already detected in the submm domain to an unprecedented coverage in spectral bands and including polarization. This will provide a clear overview of the dusty star forming galaxies captured with enough statistics in the various stages of their formation. ALMA archival information are already available for many of the targets improving the sed reconstructions. ALMA follow up are being proposed to build the targets spectral properties, chemistry and relative role of the various emitting components and to characterize in a statistically significant way the fir/radio correlation down to very faint radio galaxy populaions. Finally, we expect to be able to characterize the polarization properties of dusty galaxies that are the major small scales contaminant for cosmological telescopes operating in the mm-submm bands. Therefore, my presentation will show the above mentioned radio-submm synergies that the SHORES survey is exploiting to reach its goals.

Presentation materials