Jun 12 – 14, 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

The Italian node of the European ALMA Regional Centre organizes the "Fifth Workshop on Millimetre Astronomy in Italy" in the Bologna-Navile campus (Room 1D, via della Beverara 123/1, Bologna) from 12 to 14 June 2023. The Workshop is co-organized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Bologna. The meeting intends to bring together all those interested in research in the field of mm (and sub-mm) astronomy. Through invited and contributed presentations we will discuss projects with existing facilities in the mm/sub-mm band, state-of-the-art and future research developments, and synergies with current and future facilities in other bands. Several sessions will cover the main research areas on:

  • cosmology and high redshift Universe;
  • evolution of galaxies and AGNs;
  • supermassive BHs;
  • local Universe;
  • ISM, star formation, astrochemistry;
  • planet-forming disks;
  • stellar evolution;
  • pulsars and other transients;
  • automatic analysis tools and machine learning techniques.

We will have four discussions (on extragalactic science, galactic science, planet-forming disks, user needs and requests), to stimulate collaboration and exchange of ideas.

Registration and abstract submission can be done in the registration page of this website. The abstract submission deadline is March 15, 2023, and we expect to inform the participants of the outcome by mid-April. Registration will be possible until May 28, 2023.

The maximum number of participants is 140. No fees are due for this workshop. Lunches and coffee breaks will be provided.

Bologna-Navile campus, Room 1D
Via della Beverara 123/1, Bologna
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