12–14 Jun 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

Andrea Ferrara - The Earliest Dusty Galaxies. Lessons from ALMA and JWST (Review Invited)


One of the major surprises provided by the first months of early Universe observations by JWST has been the detection of a stunning overabundance of luminous, and likely massive, galaxies at redshift z>10. As the first spectroscopic confirmations are accumulating, it is crucial and timely to investigate these important and yet unknown aspects of early galaxy formation and evolution. At a time at which ALMA has laid the foundations of our understanding, Webb seems to hint at a possibly conflicting scenario. These (apparent?) contradictions need to be solved in the framework of studies that combine theory, cosmological simulations and the most advanced IR/sub-mm observations. I will analyze the possible new scenarios and propose some preliminary answers to the above questions.

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