14–15 Dec 2022
Museo Galileo, Firenze - Loc. Quarata, Arezzo
Europe/Rome timezone

In dialogue with Paolo: a future for scientific and technological heritage - Dialogando con Paolo: un futuro per il patrimonio scientifico e tecnologico

14 Dec 2022, 12:00
Sala Righini Bonelli (Museo Galileo, Firenze - Loc. Quarata, Arezzo)

Sala Righini Bonelli

Museo Galileo, Firenze - Loc. Quarata, Arezzo

Piazza dei Giudici 1 50122 Firenze


Miniati, Mara (Museo Galileo, Firenze)


When I started working at the Institute and Museum of the History of Science in the 1970s, scientific instruments did not enjoy particular attention. Even less the technical material outdated and discarded. In the Eighties, initiatives aimed at changing this state of things started from the same Florentine institute. Paolo came to the museum in those years and since then we have worked together on many fronts for a long time. My talk aims to illustrate Paolo's contribution to the museum and to his initiatives over the years.

Primary author

Miniati, Mara (Museo Galileo, Firenze)

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