The renewed exposition of the instruments of the hystorical "Gabinetto di Fisica" of UniPG

26 Sept 2022, 16:35
Aula A

Aula A


CARLOTTI, GIOVANNI (University of Perugia - Dept of Physcis and Geology)


In this talk I will present the collection of hystorical instruments of the Gabinetto di Fisica of UniPG, whose construction and acquisition spans from the end of the XV century to the first half of the XX century. I will also introduce the new exposition of these instruments that has been recently set up at the first floor of the Physics Dept. building, in coordination with the Science Museums Center (CAMS) of UniPG. CAMS was founded in the mid- nineties with the primary purpose of conserving, document and valorize the cultural heritage represented by the scientific collections of Perugia University.

Primary author

CARLOTTI, GIOVANNI (University of Perugia - Dept of Physcis and Geology)

Presentation materials

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