The diffusion of quantum mechanics in Italy (1900-1940)

Sep 9, 2020, 3:50 PM
sisfa 2020 '900 in Italia


Prof. Rossi, Paolo (Dipartimento di Fisica Università di Pisa)


We examine the limited reception of quantum theory in Italy until 1925 and the evolution determined by the rise of quantum mechanics (1925) and by the establishment of the first (1926) and second (1937) university chairs of theoretical physics. A detailed analysis of the introduction of theoretical physics in all Italian universities between 1927 and 1938 is presented, specifying the teachers and the content of the courses.

Primary authors

Prof. Rossi, Paolo (Dipartimento di Fisica Università di Pisa) Dr La Rana, Adele (University of California - Riverside)

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