11 March 2020
Tor Vergata Research Area, Rome - IB09 Room
Europe/Rome timezone

Due to the difficult and uncertain situation associated to the Covid-19 outbreak the AHEAD2020 Executive Committee has decided to cancel the 10-11 March meeting. Tentatively the meeting will be rescheduled to a later date (~end of May TBC), provided the outbreak scenario improves substantially. This webpage will return to be operative when the date of the new meeting is eventually defined. 

On March 11th a meeting of the AHEAD2020 Consortium Board (ACB) will take place, aimed at consolidating all decisions necessary in order for the project to effectively start.

This meeting will be restricted to the ACB members (total of 38 members), the Executive Committee (AEC) members and the coordinator's team.

Only the 38 ACB members will have voting rights on decisions.


Tor Vergata Research Area, Rome - IB09 Room
Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100