Oct 14 – 15, 2019
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
Europe/Rome timezone

Venue & Accomodation


The meeting will take place in "Sala Ovale" of the INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, sede di Villa Bazzoni, via Bazzoni 2, Trieste.

Full information on how to reach us can be found at the Observatory Home Page:




Here follows a short list of hotels in Trieste. Three of them offer discounted prices to Observatory’s visitors. A brief additional list includes hotels located in the town centre and in the area of Trieste Railway station which is close to the bus terminal to the Airport (bus n. 51) and to bus n. 1 (stops near the meeting venue), and Piazza Oberdan (bus n. 15 and 16 stops near the meeting venue). Taxi stops are available in the area.

The following hotels offer special rates to Trieste Observatory’s visitors. Please contact the hotels directly. Please quote you are visiting the Observatory when booking. (additional City Tax per night: 2 Euros)

Albergo Al Viale - 3 star

(town centre, near Viale XX Settembre, bus n. 15, 16, 10 and 1 nearby)

Special price for CUBES participants. 9 single rooms and 9 DUS rooms are reserved until 2nd September. Please book asking for special prices for INAF-Trieste Astronomical Observatory visitors

Single room – euro 60/per night (breakfast included)
DUS – Euro 70 /per night (breakfast included)
Address: Via Nordio, 5 - 34125 Trieste – Italy
Phone: +39 040 3480838

info@hotelalviale.it  https://www.hotelalviale.it/en/

Hotel Residence L’Albero Nascosto (flats, breakfast not included) -3 star

Historical town centre (near Piazza Unità)

Special price for CUBES participants. Flats are reserved until 31st August. Please book asking for special prices for INAF-Trieste Astronomical Observatory visitors

DUS – Euro 105 /per night
Double room – Euro 135 /per night
Address: Via Felice Venezian, 18, 34124 Trieste – Italy
Phone: +39 040 300188
info@alberonascosto.it        www.alberonascosto.it

Residence del Mare (flats, breakfast not included) - 3 star

Historical town centre (Near Piazza Unità)

Special price for CUBES participants. 3 Flats are reserved, and possibly some additional ones will be since the beginning of September. Please book asking for special prices for INAF-Trieste Astronomical Observatory visitors

Flats: DUS Euro 56; Double Euro 76
Address: Via Madonna del Mare, 4 - 34124 Trieste
Phone: +39 040-307346
info@residencedelmare.it, www.residencedelmare.it

Railway station area (bus n. 1 to the meeting venue)

Nuovo Hotel Impero (3 star)
Via S. Anastasio, 1
34123 Trieste
Phone: 040-364242 e-mail: impero@fenicehotels.it http://www.hotelimperotrieste.com/

Hotel Italia (3 star)
Via della Geppa 15
34132 Trieste
Phone: +39 040 369900 e mail: info@hotel-italia.it web: www.hotel-italia.it

Hotel Colombia (3 star)
Via della Geppa, 18 – 34132 Trieste TS
Phone: +39 040 369191 colombia@hotelcolombia.it http://www.hotelcolombia.it/

Hotel Abbazia (3 star)
via della Geppa 20 – Trieste 34132
Phone: + 39 040 369464 info@hotelabbaziatrieste.it http://www.hotelabbaziatrieste.it

Hotel Milano (3 star)
Via Carlo Ghega, 17 - 34132 Trieste
Phone: +39 040 369680 info@hotel-milano.com, http://www.hotel-milano.com/

Piazza Oberdan (close to n. 15 and 16 bus stop)

Albergo alla Posta (3 star)
Piazza Oberdan, 1 – 34133 Trieste
Phone: (+39) 040 365208 - info@albergopostatrieste.it http://www.albergopostatrieste.it/index.php

Town center

Hotel Continentale - 4 star
Via S. Nicolò 25 - 34121 Trieste
Phone:+39 040 631717
info@contientalehotel.com www.continentalehotel.it

Hotel Coppe - 4 star
Via G. Mazzini, 24 - 34121 Trieste – Italy
info@hotelcoppetrieste.it www.hotelcoppetrieste.it
Phone: +39 040 761614

Historical town center

Urban Hotel Design - 4 star
info@urbanhotel.it https://www.urbanhotel.it/en/

Hotel James Joyce- 3 star
info@urbanhotel.it www.hoteljamesjoyce .com


A complete list of hotels in Trieste area is available at the following link:
A list of Bed and Breakfast : https://www.bed-and-breakfast.it/en/trieste