17–19 Jun 2019
UTC timezone

LOFAR-IT: the user experience


Andrea Botteon (IRA-INAF)


LOFAR is a powerful and revolutionary interferometer working at low frequency that is providing breakthrough results in different astrophysics research topics. Due to the unprecedented large field-of-view and frequency coverage/resolution, the large size of a typical LOFAR dataset after data correlation and compression requires specific computers for the data calibration. For this reason, an Italian e-infrastructure is under development by the Italian LOFAR Data Working Group. I will report the user experience of the Italian LOFAR computing nodes. The pipelines installed in these computers use the state-of-the-art of the calibration and imaging software allowing for top level science. By using these facilities, Italian astronomers have been already able to publish a number of scientific results based on LOFAR observations.

Primary author

Andrea Botteon (IRA-INAF)

Presentation materials