17–19 Jun 2019
UTC timezone

LBT, from data to users: the archive of the scientific products @ OAR

17 Jun 2019, 17:20


viale del Parco Mellini - Rome


Diego Paris (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))


Since 2007, the year of its setup, the LBT Survey Data Center (LSC) has supported the Italian community in the exploitation of the LBT data, from the call for proposals to the service of imaging data and spectra reduction and the dissemination of the science-ready processed data and metadata to the PI owners. This has been possible thanks to the work packages that build LSC: the Proposal Handling System that schedules observations according to the ranking by the TAC and to specific observation constraints; the Data Reduction Units which provide the service of the raw data processing and the Science-Ready Data Unit which delivers the processed data and metadata to the PIs. The main tool that supports these operating units is the LSC portal which provides a series of facilities to the observing team for handling the observations and also it allows the PIs to interact with the observing team for monitoring the status of their programs and to interact with the LSC team for retrieving their science-ready processed data. But the very core of LSC is the archive where all the data (raw and processed) and metadata and all the information concerning the proposals are stored. The purpose of this talk is to describe the general workflow which connects all these aspects of LSC.

Primary author

Diego Paris (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))

Presentation materials