Sep 9 – 13, 2019
UTC timezone

Extremely Big Eyes on galaxies and gas flow processes (Nicolas Bouche' ) (I)

Sep 13, 2019, 9:25 AM


Gas flow processes such as galactic winds and gas accretion are key to
galaxy formation. The interface between galaxies and where most of the
baryons are (the inter-galactic medium) is where gas in and ouflows are
occurring and also where gas flows are directly connected to the
evolution of the host galaxy. For instance, galactic wind may remove
part or the totality of the ISM, and accretion may spin up galaxy disks.
Thus the circum galactic medium are key to understand galaxy evolution.
In this presentation, I'll review our current knowledge of the gas flows
on scales of 100-150kpc, discuss the prospects of further advances with
ELT-like telescopes and with IFUs such as Harmoni."

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