Sep 9 – 13, 2019
UTC timezone

Gas flows in distant galaxies: from current facilities to ELT (Roberto Maiolino) (I)

Sep 12, 2019, 3:00 PM
Talk CGM/ICM/IGM/Chemical Enrichment


Galaxy formation and evolution is critically regulated by
the flow of gas into and out of galaxies. While theoretical
models and cosmological simulations have extensively investigated
these phenomena and provided detailed predictions,
observations still lag behind due to observational difficulties
in detecting signatures of these processes, especially at
early cosmological epochs, when these mechanisms are thought
to be most relevant.
I will illustrate some progress in this area by reporting
some results obtained by combining an ESO-KMOS Large Programme (KLEVER),
MUSE data and ALMA observations, which provide important direct or
indirect information on gas flows in galaxies and quasar hosts at z>1 out
to z~7.
I will then discuss the limitations of the currently available observations
and the main outstanding open issues. I will therefore illustrate how
the cutting edge instrumentation at the forthcoming ELTs
will enable major progress in this field.

Primary author

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