Sep 9 – 13, 2019
UTC timezone

« Normal » and « extreme » stellar populations and galaxies in the early Universe (Daniel Schaerer) (I)

Sep 12, 2019, 9:00 AM
Talk Galaxy Stellar Populations and star-formation histories


I will present an overview of recent results on analogs of the sources of cosmic reionization and very low (or zero) metallicity galaxies, whose detection and understanding are among the major goals with the next generation of facilities.

For example, I will discuss new insight on the far-UV SED and HeII emission from low metallicity galaxies, which is of importance for modeling and interpreting emission line observations of early/distant galaxies and to study their stellar populations.

I will also discuss observed and theoretical emission line diagnostics of metal-poor galaxies,
and their potential to find Lyman continuum (LyC) emitters, determine their LyC escape fraction,
and other properties.

Primary author

Prof. Daniel Schaerer (Astronomy Dept, University of Geneva)

Presentation materials