Sep 9 – 13, 2019
UTC timezone

Mapping uncharted territories: AGN feedback at low luminosities and high-z with the ELTs, JWST and SKA. (Vincenzo Mainieri)

Not scheduled


Accademia dei Lincei c/o Villa Farnesina Via della Lungara 10/230 00165 Roma
Talk Feedback Processes in Galaxies


Theoretical models of AGN feedback predict that AGN-driven, galaxy
wide ouflows are a fundamental process affecting the bulk of the
baryons in the universe. Hundreds of hours of observations from the
ground are being used to characterize such outflows and their impact
on the host galaxies using e.g. NIR IFU on 8-10m telescopes to trace
the ionized gas or the molecular phase with ALMA. Nevertheless,
ground-based IFU observations are limited to wavelenghts below ~2.4
micron, which implies being able to trace at the same time ionized gas
outflows with [OIII] and star-formation with Halpha only up to
z~2.3. At the same time the current collecting area of ground based
telescopes limit the ability to reach the S/N needed to study such
outflows in low luminosity AGN and to trace the outskirt of the
galaxies. Both limitations will be supersided in the future. The IFU
mode on NIRSpec will be able to move these studies to significantly
earlier cosmic epochs, up to z~6. While IFU on the new ELTs, tanks to
the large collecting area of the primary and the assistence of AO to
reach the diffraction limit, will allow to trace these winds down to
very low luminosities and trace the impact that they may have in the
turbolent ISM of high-z galaxies.

I will review our current understanding of this possible important
phenomena for galaxy evolution and outline the instruments and surveys
needed with JWST, the ELTs and SKA to move forward.

Primary author

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