10–31 Jan 2019
UTC timezone

Abstracts submission

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Contributions, both Oral and Poster, are welcome, in particular in the areas of the topics of the conference:

  • Multi-messenger and transient astronomy
  • Active Galactic Nuclei: accretion physics and evolution across cosmic time
  • Compact and diffuse sources in galaxies and in the Galactic Center
  • Hot and diffuse baryons
  • The cosmic frontier: first black holes and proto-clusters
  • Future missions

All oral presentations (review, invited, solicited, contributed) will be held in plenary sessions.
We may be able to allocate ~60 contributed talks. Posters will be accepted without limit.

INDICO Account

Please notice that in order to submit the abstract for your contribution, an INDICO account is needed.
If you do not have an account yet, it can be easily created here:


or just clicking "Submit New Abstract" (and then click on create an INDICO account).

When creating the INDICO account, please specify in the comments field that the request is for the X-RAY ASTRONOMY 2019 conference. The account will be created within 24 hours, so we suggest to proceed with this step a few days in advance the proper abstract submission.

When submitting the abstract, please check the "Submission instructions" at the top of the editor window!

Submission instructions

Please fill the following fields:
TITLE: Title of your contribution
CONTENT: Abstract of your contribution
CONTRIBUTION TYPE: please select between Oral, Poster, Review/Invited/Solicited
AUTHORS: please choose the option "Search" to select authors with a INDICO account or "Enter manually" to enter authors without an existing account. The first author (presenter) is mandatory.
COMMENT: Any comment you want to leave
AFFILIATION: please specify your affiliation(s), as you want to be included in the badge.
TOPIC: choose among one of the six topics of the conference (not mandatory)

The Abstract submission is not the registration to the Conference. Don't forget to register!


The call for abstracts is closed.