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The main purpose of the conference (just as the previous two in Naples, 2013 and Russia, 2016) is discussions between observers and theorists on the current understanding of the origin and evolution of the angular momentum decoupling in galaxies ("multi-spin galaxies" V. Rubin, 1994). Recent IAU Focus Meeting on Angular momentum in galaxies held in Vienna 2018 has pointed out the paramount importance of the Angular Momentum in shaping both morphology and structure in galaxies. The recent new availability of data from IFU surveys (MANGA, SAMI, GASP etc..) has greatly powered and enlarged the sample of great pulse to the study of the stellar populations in galaxies with multiple dynamical components. In the last years large extragalactic surveys have produced a great deal of data that are now giving us a more clear picture of the mechanisms of formation and evolution of galaxies. In this context it is time to discuss and compare theoretical models and observations on the ground of the very large database now available not only for multi spin galaxies but also for all kinds of objects that are undergoing some kind of interaction.
Daniela Bettoni (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico Padova)
Alessandro Pizzella (UNIPD-DFA)
Lodovico Coccato (ESO, Garching)
Francoise Combes (Observatoire Paris, Francia)
Enrichetta Iodice (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico Napoli)
Michael Merrifield (School of Physics & Astronomy,University of Nottingham)
Alexei Moiseev (Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russia)
Lorenzo Morelli (Universidad de Atacama, Copiapo, Chile)
Sebastian Sanchez (IA-UNAM, Mexico)
Davor Krajnovic(AIP, Germany)
Adriana De Lorenzo Cáceres
Evelyn Johnston
Gyula Jozsa
Davor Krajnovic
Alexei Moiseev
Thorsten Naab
Marilena Spavone
Daniela Bettoni, Roberto Rampazzo, Sabrina Carraro, Serena Cecconato, Serena Pastore, Anna Bologna, Michela Rubino
For informations, please e-mail to: multispin2019@unipd.it
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
Comune di Asiago