15–19 Sept 2025
Cefalù (Palermo)
Europe/Rome timezone


Microquasar Workshop XI: First Circular


Dear colleagues,


We are pleased to announce the 11th Microquasar Workshop «A Microquasar Odyssey: unveiling the Complexities»  that will take place at Cefalù, Sicily, Italy, on 15-19 September 2025.

Similarly to the past Microquasar Workshops, the aim is to gather theorists, observers and specialists of the field, discussing the latest results and reviewing the current state of our understanding of the physics of stellar mass compact objects in the context of the instruments devoted to this science (such as XRISM, IXPE, NICER, NuSTAR, MeerKAT, etc.).

Large dedicated time will be devoted to the following specific points:

  • Multi-wavelength observations: broadband SED, (high resolution X-ray) spectroscopy, (X-ray) polarimetry ;
  • Accretion-ejection connection;
  • Outflows (jet, winds) signatures, properties and modelling;
  • Formation, evolution and merging;
  • Temporal behavior and Timing properties.

The program will be organised in 8 sessions centred around a limited number of invited reviews, with contributed presentations (oral and flash talks 2 min long) and time for discussion.

You can visit the website here:




Please, here you can find the important dates:

  • Abstract submission opens:  5 March 2025
  • Abstract submission closes: 30 April 2025
  • Communication of the selected contribution:  Middle of May 2025
  • Registration fee (it includes welcome cocktail, coffee breaks and conference dinner)

        • normal (30 June 2025):  TBD

        • late (up to the conference time):  TBD

The number of participants cannot exceed 120, because of the size of the conference room.

Note that Cefalù is a very popular tourist destination, therefore we strongly recommend that you book your flight and hotel as soon as possible.

We hope to see you there!


Melania Del Santo & Pierre-Olivier Petrucci