‘E noi uscimmo a riveder le stelle’: the Medici family and the scientific patronage in Florence

19 Sept 2024, 10:00


Bercigli, Erika (Università degli Studi di Bologna)


When we think of Florence and its rich history, we think about the Medici family. This Mugellan-born family had shaped significantly the world they lived in, using patronage as a weapon for both political and economical purposes, leaving a considerable mark within Florence.
Despite knowing a lot about their arts patronage and how they had shaped significantly the Renaissance, we know few of their scientific patronage.
Even though some science historians have tried to study the relationship between Galilean scientists and their patrons, there was never an attempt to understand the reason why the Medici wanted to invest their time, money and effort within this patronage.
This paper aims to aims to discover the reasons from both the cultural and political world whilst relating with Galileo and other scientists such as Viviani, Torricelli and Rinaldini and relating their patronage throughout an historical perspective.
Another fundamental point that will be explored are some key figures within the Medici family that are going to see the evolution of this kind of patronage, from the beginning up until the end of the dynasty leaving a mark also within the Florentine science.

Primary author

Bercigli, Erika (Università degli Studi di Bologna)

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