Status of activities - monthly meeting

    • 1
      News from ICSC and spoke2 general activities
      Speaker: Antonio Stamerra (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))


      1. Bandi Open call (bandi a cascata): scadenza 20 marzo. Pubblicizzare!
      2. Research Plan per MS8, MS9 e MS10; sottomessi! 
      3. Research Report per MS7: consegna a marzo. Controllare il raggiungimento dei target/KPI!!!
      4. Report from the spoke board meeting e WP leader meeting
      5. Presentation/slides on a thematic activity within the usecases.
      6. Reports from groups
      7. scuole e conferenze.
      8. AoB
        1. aggiornamento del template bandi TD
        2. Nuovi bandi TD (pubblicizzare)


      Introduzione generale

      Nei prossimi meeting vi chiederei se a rotazione di fare una presentazione sulle attività in svolgimento per aggiornare tutti e anche per avere un quadro dell'avanzamento e delle necessità.

      OGGI: presentazione su Flagship "pipeline" PSGE da parte di Valentina e Roberto.


      Riunione dello spoke board 19/02

      • Azioni di supporto all'innovazione (creazione start-up). (in progress)
      • Documento/linee guida su attività per formazione e training. 
        • Bando europeo HPC "Virtual accademy" per formazione verso imprese, laboratori, industrie (da definire/capire).
      • Richiesta su impatto etico delle attività. (in progress).
      • Prossime attività Centro.
        • Maggio 2024 (tbc), Tecnopolo di Bologna: Inaugurazione centro di calcolo CNAF al Tecnopolo e lancio upgrade di Leonardo
        • 9-11 Luglio 2024, G7 ricerca al Tecnopolo di Bologna: Si stan pianificando degli eventi di divulgazione sul territorio per presentare il CN durante i giorni del G7. Seguiranno maggiori informazioni
        • 16-20 settembre 2024, Meeting annuale del CN, ROMA - Aperto a Spoke e affiliati
        • Ottobre 2024 – Incontro annuale Spokes – revisori scientifici «in presenza»  Luogo: Napoli  
        • 21-26 Settembre 2025, Meeting annuale del CN, La Biodola (Isola D’Elba)
      • Prossime scadenze:


      Durata temporale

      Mese di progetto

      Scadenze per invio report scientifico ad HUB

      Milestone 6

      Mag 23 – Ago 23



      Milestone 7

      Set 23 – Feb 24


      20 Marzo 2024

      Milestone 8 

      Mar 24 – Giu 24


      15 Luglio 2024

      Milestone 9 

      Lug 24 – Ott 24


      20 Novembre 2024

      Milestone 10

      Nov 24 – Ago 25


      20 Marzo 2025 (report intermedio)

      Report finale a Settembre2025 (deadline tbc) 


      Scuole e conferenze


      Past schools or conferences (to recover material)


      • Aggiornamento del template per bandi TD (versione del DG di novembre 2023). Discusso per il bando TD Merate (Landoni)
        • Importante pubblicizzare i bandi TD e avere graduatorie da cui poter pescare se necessario!



      TEMI dei BANDI a CASCATA spoke2

      Aree Tematiche Finanziate (per beneficiari privati):

      1- Data Management PoCs/pilots with Spoke 2 solutions in industrial environments (datalake, distributed computing, …).
      2- Solutions, implementation and deployment of a computing PoC based on the ARM architecture.
      3- Porting and optimization (on GPU, on FPGA, on CPU) of algorithms of interest of AstroParticle experiments.
      4- Realization of tools and pilots for the Space Economy domain, using the infrastructure of the ICSC (portals, market exchange, algorithms, services, …).
      5- Heterogeneous industrial use cases on the Spoke 2 platforms (GPU + FPGA + ARM).
      6- Profiling, code engineering and code quality on Spoke 2 code repositories.

      Aree Tematiche Finanziate (per beneficiari pubblici):

      1- Development of data acquisition and trigger strategies in the context high background, rare event experiment, using acceleration on hybrid CPU/FPGA architectures, in the context of the activities of the Spoke2 in ICSC.
      2- Development of a multipurpose/multi experiment high level cloud infrastructure for small/medium astroparticle experiments, on the infrastructure of ICSC and for the benefit of Spoke 2 use cases.
      3- Development of a GPU library for massively parallelized simulations of QCD and QCD+QED on the lattice in the context of the activities of the Spoke2 in ICSC.
      4- Development and performance optimization of typical simulation codes in HEP and Astro, for the use cases of Spoke 2.
      5- Advanced algorithms for GW experiments (Virgo and ET) in the context of the activities of the Spoke2 in ICSC.
      6- Studying the quantum Boltzmann equation neutrino flavour conversion in a dense environment in the context of the activities of the Spoke2 in ICSC.
      7- Development of algorithms for boosted topologies at LHC/FCC, in the context of the activities of the Spoke2 in ICSC.
      8- Accelerated analysis of Astrophysical data in the Photon Counting Big Data era, in the context of the activities of the Spoke2 in ICSC .




      • Missioni: al fine di rendicontare nei timesheet i giorni di missione, nelle note della missione va riportata la seguente dicitura, indipendentemente dai fondi utilizzati (legati a ICSC o no).  Questa è obbligatoria per i nuovi TD e AdR (e non fa nuoce anche per i PhD). 

      Missione svolta nell’ambito delle attività del progetto Centro Nazional HPC, Big Data e Quantum Computing CN_00000013, Spoke 2 “Fundamental research and space economy” CUP C53C22000350006"

      • Articoli e presentazioni: se gli articoli sono svolti anche parzialmente su fondi ICSC (o se l’autore principale è finanziato completamente su fondi ICSC), è necessario inserire l’acknowledgment seguente. Sarebbe opportuno anche aggiungere l’affiliazione ICSC.
        • (Italiano) Con il supporto di Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High Performance Computing Big Data e Quantum Computing (ICSC), progetto finanziato dall'Unione Europea - NextGenerationEU - e dal Piano Nazionale Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) - Missione 4 Componente 2, nell'ambito delle attività dello Spoke 2 (Fundamental Research and Space Economy)
        • (Inglese) Supported by Italian Research Center on High Performance Computing Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC), project funded by European Union - NextGenerationEU - and National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) - Mission 4 Component 2 within the activities of Spoke 2 (Fundamental Research and Space Economy).
        • Le presentazioni devono riportare i loghi del Centro,  che trovate nel nostro folder:
      Ricordo di riportare le presentazioni e contributi a conferenze e articoli sul foglio dedicato. Link diretti per:


      Calendario ICSC-INAF-Spoke2: 
      Calendario WP-leader-SPOKE2: 


    • 2
      Thematic talk on one or more use cases: the flagship "Pipeline" PSGE
      Speakers: Roberto Peron (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Dr Valentina Fioretti (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))
    • 3
      Reports from the groups
      Speakers: Antonio Pagliaro (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Francesco Visconti (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Lorenzo Natalucci (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Luca Zampieri (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Marco Landoni (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Roberto Peron (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)), Dr Valentina Fioretti (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF))

      Updated report da Francesco Visconti:

      (riportato in fondo)

      Report Alessia Spolon

      riporto qui il mio report: 
      - Report: stiamo facendo dei tests sul banco ottico in laboratorio ad Asiago per raccogliere dei dati su cui verificare le procedure ed i codici di riduzione-analisi. I test sono quasi finiti e a Marzo iniziamo ad adattare le procedure per l'analisi. Questa attività ha la priorità, perché abbiamo bisogno di dati 'veri', non simulati e questa e’ la finestra programmata per ottenerli. 
      - Bandi a cascata: Luca contattera’  Antonio e Marco nei prossimi giorni per pa
      ok!  avevo problemi con indico prima .. sto cercando di risolvere!
      - Centro Nazionale HPC: Spoke 10 - Quantum Computing


      From James Rodi (Natalucci's team)
      • For use case called :A joint GW+EM modelling of afterglows and kilonovae and characterisation of their environment"
      We have started deploying and testing the kilonova modelling architecture that is part of the nmma Python package( The architecture is Gaussian Process regression interpolations of Kilonova models run for specific parameter grid values.

      The testing is focused particularly on ensuring that we can accurately interpolate the grid parameters when generating the light curve. For this, we are currently coordinating with experts of nmma (Pang and Ragosta) and the author of the kilonova models (Bulla).
      Once deployed correctly, we will begin to test the kilonova model interface to our existing GW+afterglow Python fitting routine.

      • For use case "Multiwavelength dataset with LSST and High Energy real time data"
      We have begun testing locally the routines to select the high-energy event alerts from high-energy alerts that are sent via the General Coordinates Network (GCN) system.  The Python routines (pygcn) ingest alerts and extracts the relevant information from each alert.  Additionally, we started investigating the Python routines, data brokers, and available information for the Zwicky Transient Facility that are relevant for potential kilonova events.



      Documento aggiornamento attività INAF OAR - Responsabile: F. Visconti


      Participants: Michele MastropietroCiro BigongiariSaverio LombardiFrancesco Gabriele SaturniAntonio Stamerra


      • CORSIKA optimization: Michele Mastropietro started his activities on the 15th of November. We got in touch with the Karlsruhe group who developed CORSIKA 8 (a beta release is coming in days, but without the Cherenkov module), and with the group of Luisa Arrabito in Montpellier: they published a work on CORSIKA 7 profiling and started to work on CORSIKA 8, abandoned the work due to the lack of personnel, now they are starting back. A call with them is scheduled next monday.
        • UPDATE February 2024: activities has started, by keeping contacts with other groups (Luisa Arrabito and attending the last periodic call of the Karlsruhe CORSIKA 8 group) and conducting an optimization hotspot analysis by ourselves. We highlighted the hotspots and setup a possible strategy to gain some speedup, but we are planning to have dedicated calls with the aforementioned groups. We are also defining a CPU time request to the National Center, with the help of Ciro Bigongiari and Francesco Gabriele Saturni.
      • SIMTELARRAY: it is the software that elaborates CORSIKA outputs. It needs optimization, since it runs on a single core. A guy in Palermo, Davide Mollica, has started to build a tool which is a subset of simtelarray, we are planning to see what's going on there and understand if we can use that as a codebase. 
        • The other activity related to these two softwares is about engineering the required steps to test the configurations and the outputs: translating notebook to scripts, building an automation pipeline, building a small dashboard to analyze results. A first meeting has been done, we are going to write down the requirements in a document, which will become a deliverable for ICSC.
        • UPDATE February 2024: no significant changes, we are waiting for a functional analysis document to plan the work.
      • IDL innovation grant: we are in charge of the blockchain software  acquisition and deployment. We are preparing documentation for the public tender. The documentation is HELL, so it's a very slow process. Money isn't yet available to the Observatory of Rome.
        • UPDATE February 2024: We chose three different companies capable of supplying the software. We also started to set up the negotiation on the public portal. We had two meetings with the INFN-CNAF group to discuss the blockchain related issues. There are still administrative issues to be solved, the process is utterly slow and time consuming, but it cannot be improved at the moment.
      • Machine Learning pipeline: this is in WIP stage. A multi input/multi output model is currently implemented, not giving the desired results yet. There are many steps involved, I'm writing a wiki page to describe it all, this will also become a possible deliverable for ICSC.
        • UPDATE February 2024: no significant changes. The activity stopped in December and has not yet started again. The idea is this task to be carried on by the PhD student, but it takes time to bootstrap on his side.
      • A PhD student started to work with us at the beginning of November on Machine Learning for the Very High Energy Physics domain.
        • UPDATE February 2024: renewed the association for the PhD student, filed the registration request for the CTA summer school, he also attended an IXPE school in ASI in February.
    • 4

      Riunione gruppo di gestione INAF a Bologna, 15-16 febbraio. Revisione stato rendicontazione.