Nov 25 – 26, 2021
Virtual meeting
Europe/Rome timezone

The Spectroscopically TRAcing the Disk dispersal Evolution (STRADE) project tackles a key topic of star formation, namely the evolution of proto-planetary disks around young solar-type stars, from the early proto-stellar phase to the final dispersal stage. The study of protoplanetary disks is a research field in fast expansion. Protoplanetary disks play a pivotal role in determining the initial conditions for planet formation. Their characteristics are being unveiled only today by the new observational facilities at high angular and spectral resolution, over a wide range of wavelengths. STRADE pursues its goals within the framework of the JEDI collaboration (, exploiting a large spectroscopic data-base of X-Shooter, KMOS, MOONS, GIARPS and LUCI spectra collected by our team, in synergy with ALMA, VLTI/GRAVITY, HST and JWST surveys.

The goals of this progress meeting are:

  • Check the status of the project (Surveys, papers, etc.)
  • Propose new ideas for the surveys, data analysis and software developments
  • Foster the synergies within the project
  • Future of the project in terms of science and funding

Due to the covid pandemic the meeting will be held in virtual form only.




Virtual meeting